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Friday, December 9, 2011

Passing on a prayer request

I saw this prayer request via e-mail. It seems worth sharing. See what you think. And if you have the time and want to do a spiritual work of mercy, please pray for this soul.

Oh, Lord, heal this man’s soul. Heal his brokenness. Heal the damage. Heal the hurt, the shame, the fear, the wounds, and let him know to cast those on Your holy wounds, Lord. Let him know and feel the love You have for him, the plans for hope and welfare You have for him (cf. Jer 29:11), and that You have had a plan for him since before the dawn of time (cf., Jer 1:5; Eph 1:1-5). Let him know it’s OK to come in from the cold, that there are people who love him and want him to finally be happy. They want him to know that things can’t bring happiness. Only You can, You and the love You represent, the love You pour out through the gifts You gave us in baptism and confirmation, where they, of You, Holy Spirit, became full-fledged and powerful and activated in our souls. And that among these gifts are joy, love, peace, true happiness, and the grace to be truly happy with You in heaven for eternity.

Help us to show him, despite everything, the love we have for him and that awaits for him in ever greater abundance if only he will turn, to us, and most especially to You. Help him to resist his urge to push us away, Lord. Help him to welcome and fold himself into our embrace.

And Guadalupana, you told Juan Diego that you would protect him in the loving embrace of the crook of your arms, that you would enfold us in your protective mantle. Obtain from your Son the favor we now beseech of you, that He would expel the demons that torment and oppress and harass [Name], O Blessed Lady. Obtain from your divine Son deliverance from the demons that haunt and torment your beloved son [Name]. Pray for him, Madonna. Pray that he be healed, and pray a prayer of protection for [his wife]. Obtain for her from your Son strength, protection, and peace. Shield their beautiful child from the damage to her soul that this separation will otherwise bring. Protect this beautiful being made in God’s image and likeness from the wickedness and snares of the devil that too often situations like this put children into.

O Lord, You tell us in Malachi 4 You hate divorce. Let not [Name] sin again, Lord. Let him not tempt Your wrath. Give him a proper fear of You so he will not carry about this diabolical plan, this tempted plan, this evil plan, this plan that can come to no good.

Free Your servant [Name], whose namesake was so devoted to You and was thus made so powerful, thus showing forth so strongly Your power. Show Your power now, we humbly beseech Thee, O God of Power and Might, O Lord of Hosts. Thy will be done. Keep him safe from every foreign power. Restore him, we beg of Thee, O God, and renew in him a peaceful devotion so that he may love You with his heart and may serve You zealously with his works, may glorify You with praises and may magnify You with his life. Let [Name] know the justice and goodness of you, God our Father, and let him abjure the pride, anger, hurt, and resentment that feed on his soul to the detriment of all who love him.

Hear, O God of Israel, lover of human salvation, the prayer of your Apostles Peter and Paul and all the saints who, by Your grace, emerged as victors over the Evil One. Through their loving and tender intercession, may [Name] be liberated from the prince of darkness’ wiles and temptations and provocations toward self-pity and inwardness. Hear, holy God, the groanings of us, Your supplicants. Do not suffer your son [Name] to labor under this pain and darkness anymore. Do not suffer your servant [Name], whom Christ redeemed by His Precious, Sacred Blood, to labor under the sin that makes him captive of the father of lies. Do not suffer him, a temple of Your Holy Spirit by virtue of his baptism and confirmation, to allow into that temple through his actions the spirits that would damage him beyond hope.

Lord Jesus Christ, through Your overcoming of the temptation in the wilderness and through Your victory over death on the cross, You have given hope to all mankind. Give hope and peace and love to [Name] in this hour of his need, we humbly beseech Thee, O merciful God. For You alone are holy, Lord, You alone are the Highest, You alone are the Lord, Jesus Christ, Who lives and reigns with God the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever unto ages. Amen.

Mary, you who are the geberah to your Son, Who is King of kings and Lord of lords, you who are Theotokos, as defined by Your Son’s Bride, the Church, you who instill so much fear into the hearts of demons and all who do evil, do thou, we beseech thee, by God’s almighty power and through the honor shown you by Our Lord Jesus Christ – Who fulfills the law perfectly, including the commandment to honor His parents, and we understand that the Hebrew word for “honor, kaboda/kabbed literally means to glorify – that He can refuse you nothing you ask for the sake of His greater glory. And since nothing pleases Him more than the return of the prodigal, of the finding of the lost sheep, of the conversion of a lost soul (cf. Luke 15:7), please ask Him for that which will cause the greatest rejoicing in heaven, the return of our brother [Name] to his rightful place with his family and to his duties as an adopted son of God (cf. Gal 4:5), as he was fearfully made in the Triune God’s image and likeness.

Help him see that this is where his dignity lies, not in booze, not in womanizing, not in material possessions, or anything else, but in Jesus, as a son of God through adoption by virtue of Jesus’ blood, shed for him.

And, Lord Jesus, let that knowledge pierce his wounded heart just as St. Longinus sword pierced Your own Sacred Heart while You were lifted on the cross. Furthermore, may that knowledge thereby draw him into Your Sacred Heart, where he can find the healing he needs and be hid from the malignant enemy. Please, Lord Jesus, we humbly beg and beseech these things of You in Your Holy and Heavenly Name. God’s will be done and not ours. Amen.

St. Gemma, so powerful in your prayers against Satan, pray for us. Bl. John Paul II, pray for us. St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us. Bl. Mother Teresa, pray for us. Lord Jesus Christ, only Son of the Father, hear our prayer offered jointly by us in Your Name. Amen.

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