Postage for Pakistan and other parts of the planet

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Boy, did I need to read this. Do you?

This comes at just the right time. Are you just incredibly busy these days? I am, man, I tell ya. My life is way too stressful, and I'm looking for ways to cut back.

Let's see:
  • A huge campaign at work with even bigger pressure coming from those above me and those above them and those above them, and so on.
  • A manuscript that is due November 1, where my word limit is 40,000 words, and I'm about 10,000 words above that. And cutting words for me -- details, really -- is a hateful thing. Hateful. Still, I have to do that.
  • A pilgrimage to Rome that I'm leading that starts November 3. There are still so many loose ends to wrap up, it's mind numbing.
  • There are yard projects to finish before winter (rabbit hutch, winterizing the chicken coop), and there's no time to do so. Plus, my wife is pressing me to cull all our animals, which I don't want to do a) because I like our animals, especially my rabbits and b) I want to see if I can get animals alive through the winter.
  • I teach CCD.
  • I lead my parish's Bible study.
  • I do our family's grocery shopping.
  • I'm out of certain types of animal feed and am scrambling to feed them each day until I can get to the feed store.
  • We're (I'm) caring for our weekend neighbors farm animals during the week.
It's just nuts. So tonight, as much as I want to just work on my MS when I get home tonight, I'm going to play with one of the kids. That article I linked to above clinched it for me. Did it have any effect on you?

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