Postage for Pakistan and other parts of the planet

Monday, November 29, 2010

Even Protestants need the Pope

The title of this post is not meant to be triumphalistic. Far from it. Rather, it speaks to a certain truth that I think -- hope -- my separated brothers and sisters can appreciate.

The Western world is splintering into a thousand shards of relativistic thoughts. It does not take much imagination to see where the growing tendency to see people as useful (and thus worth allowing to live) or useless (and thus not worthy of legal protections for their life) will lead.

In such an environment, only the Pope with the attention he captures can propel forward those moral questions which will lead to or away from human flourishing. Not the head of the Southern Baptist Convention, not Pastor Rick Warren (as wonderful of a man as he is), not the head of the Calvery Church non-denominational denomination, only the Pope. For instance, read this. What other world or sectarian leader could say these things and get the sort of attention he has? Again, this is not to be triumphalistic. It is, however, something of an act of appreciation for the fact that we have such a figure and an act of recognition of how much poorer and more frightening our world would be with him. And God preserve us from people without this sort of courage from ever sitting on the Chair of Peter.

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